9 common pregnancy symptoms

9 common pregnancy symptoms

If a woman has been trying to conceive for a long time, she would constantly be wondering about the symptoms to be aware of to know whether she’s pregnant. The pregnancy symptoms may differ between women and change as the pregnancy advances, but we’ll take a look at the most common symptoms that all women experience:

  • Skipped menstrual cycle
    This is the most common pregnancy symptom, but it’s advisable to confirm it with a pregnancy test as skipped menstrual cycles may also be a sign of ill health.
  • Morning sickness
    The fluctuating hormones can lead to a feeling of nausea, which may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. This symptom commonly occurs around two weeks into the pregnancy, and although called morning sickness, it may occur at any time of the day.
  • Changes in bowel and bladder habits
    Pregnant women feel the need to urinate more frequently as there is increased blood flow in their body to support the growth and development of the baby, which makes the kidneys work overtime. Additionally, women may also experience constipation, which is associated with a slowing of the digestive function during pregnancy.
  • Exhaustion
    Exhaustion is a common symptom experienced due to any illness, so women should not rely on this symptom as a sole indicator of pregnancy. Having said that, pregnant women feel extremely tired, and one of the reasons is the hormonal activity and fluctuations in the body.
  • Spotting
    Sometimes implantation can lead to spotting in the first few weeks of pregnancy, which commonly occurs as bleeding. In most cases, this pregnancy symptom is not a cause of concern, but women should check with their doctor as bleeding can also be associated with risks like miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, which occurs outside the uterus cavity.
  • Weight gain
    This symptom is not easily noticeable in the first trimester, but it becomes more obvious in the latter stages of pregnancy. Pregnant women must eat right to avoid unnecessary weight gain and also ensure proper nutrition for both themselves and the growing baby.
  • Backache
    Weight gain, along with hormonal changes causing the ligaments that support the spine to loosen, often causes backache during pregnancy. Although the severity may vary, almost all women complain of backaches accompanied by mild to severe discomfort.
  • Sleep problems
    While exhaustion is common among pregnant women, they may find it hard to sleep due to issues like backache or stress, which is often a result of hormonal fluctuations in their bodies.
  • Depression
    Hormonal changes in the body can also cause depression in pregnant women, and it may take some time for their bodies to get back to normal after delivery. Postpartum depression affects new mothers within weeks or months of childbirth, and it’s best to consult a professional in such cases.

Pregnancy has its fair share of complications and risks, which include the risk of a miscarriage, along with health risks like gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, anemia, and birth defects in the fetus. So, going for regular check-ups is the best way to ensure good health for the mother as well as the baby.

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